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At Portfields Primary School, we nurture young geographers with a thirst for exploration and understanding of the world around them. Our curriculum, built on the Rising Stars framework and aligned with the 2014 National Curriculum, goes beyond mere knowledge acquisition. We cultivate curiosity and empathy, empowering pupils to engage with and contribute to a diverse and interconnected world.


Core Principles:

  • Curiosity & Global Awareness: We spark wonder about the world and its people, fostering a desire to understand different cultures and environments.
  • Question-Driven Learning: Thought-provoking questions guide inquiry, challenge preconceptions, and encourage debate, leading to deeper geographical understanding.
  • Vocabulary Development: Talk Cards support children's comprehension and confident use of geographical vocabulary, enriching their communication.
  • Spiral Learning: "Flashbacks" revisit past learning across lessons, units, and years, solidifying knowledge and building connections over time.
  • Skills Development: Lessons equip pupils with the ability to interpret maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs, and other geographical information sources.

Curriculum Framework:

  • Rising Stars Foundation: We utilise Rising Stars resources as a strong foundation, adapting and extending them to meet our specific needs and incorporate stimulating geographical themes.
  • Local & Global Links: We explore local geography alongside diverse global contexts, fostering understanding of interconnectedness and appreciating similarities and differences.
  • Fieldwork & Outdoor Learning: We actively engage pupils in fieldwork and outdoor learning experiences, enabling them to apply their knowledge, collaborate, and develop observation skills.
  • Sustainability & Environmental Awareness: We weave themes of sustainability and environmental responsibility throughout the curriculum, empowering pupils to become responsible citizens.

Assessment and Evaluation:

  • Varied Assessment Techniques: We employ a mix of formative and summative assessments, including observations, presentations, and tasks, to gauge individual progress and identify areas for development.
  • Monitoring & Reflection: We continuously monitor the curriculum's effectiveness through pupil voice, learning walks, and data analysis, leading to ongoing improvement.


Through our engaging and challenging geography curriculum, we aim to equip our pupils with the knowledge, skills, and values to:

  • Become curious and responsible young geographers.
  • Develop critical thinking skills and analyse geographical information.
  • Understand and appreciate diverse cultures and environments.
  • Make informed decisions and contribute to a sustainable future.
  • Engage with the world around them as active and responsible citizens.

This intent and implementation statement outlines the guiding principles and practices that underpin our geography curriculum at Portfields Primary School. We are committed to igniting a lifelong love of geography and empowering our pupils to explore, understand, and make a positive impact on our planet.