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Pupil Leaders

At Portfields Primary, we believe in fostering leadership qualities in our pupils, empowering them to take responsibility and contribute positively to the school community. Our Year 6 pupils have the exciting opportunity to become Year 6 Pupil Leaders, playing key roles in various areas and demonstrating their commitment to our school values.

A Range of Leadership Opportunities:

Year 6 pupils can apply for a variety of leadership positions, allowing them to discover their strengths and develop diverse skills. These roles include:

  • Site Team: Taking pride in the school environment by maintaining tidiness and promoting responsible behavior.
  • PE Helpers: Assisting teachers with physical education lessons, encouraging participation, and fostering a positive learning environment.
  • Class Monitors: Supporting teachers in the classroom by undertaking tasks like distributing resources and assisting with organization.
  • Playground Leaders: Ensuring fair play and promoting inclusivity during break times.
  • Eco-Warriors: Championing environmental awareness and sustainability initiatives within the school.

Year 6 Prefect Team:

Taking leadership to the next level, we have a select team of six Year 6 Leaders who work closely with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team. Their roles include:

  • Represent the pupil voice, acting as a vital link between students and staff.
  • Assist in leading school events and assemblies.
  • Organise and participate in fundraising activities.
  • Helping at Parents' Evenings
  • Serve as role models for younger pupils, demonstrating responsibility, kindness, and a positive attitude.

Taking Great Pride:

Year 6 pupils take immense pride in their leadership roles. It allows them to develop valuable skills such as communication, organization, teamwork, and problem-solving. They gain confidence, become self-motivated, and learn to take initiative.

By actively contributing to the school community, Year 6 Pupil Leaders play a crucial role in creating a positive and inclusive learning environment for all. We are incredibly proud of their dedication and the positive impact they make on Portfields Primary School.