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At Portfields Primary School, we aim to equip all our learners with a deep understanding and love of mathematics. We believe that mathematics is a fundamental skill for life, enabling individuals to solve problems, reason critically, and make informed decisions.

Our maths curriculum is built upon the following core principles:

  • Alignment with the National Curriculum: We follow the 2014 National Curriculum for mathematics, ensuring our students cover the essential knowledge, skills, and understanding outlined by the Department for Education.
  • Mastery Approach: We advocate for a mastery approach to learning, where all students are given the opportunity to develop a secure understanding of concepts before moving on. This approach includes revisiting and building upon prior learning, ensuring no child is left behind.

  • Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) Progression: We employ a CPA approach to mathematical learning, utilising manipulatives, visuals, and abstract representations to support conceptual development. This method caters to diverse learning styles and promotes a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.


  • White Rose Maths Scheme of Work: We utilise the White Rose Maths scheme of work as the foundation for our maths curriculum. This comprehensive scheme provides a clear and well-structured learning journey, aligned with the National Curriculum and tailored to support a mastery approach.
  • Lesson Planning: Teachers meticulously plan lessons that incorporate the CPA approach. Concrete manipulatives are used to introduce new concepts, followed by pictorial representations to consolidate understanding. Finally, abstract representations are gradually introduced to build towards fluency and problem-solving.
  • Mastery Approach: Our mastery approach to maths ensures all children are given the opportunity to access new learning at an age-appropaite level. We use scaffolding and adaptive teaching to ensure all children participate full in the learning. 
  • Assessment: Regular formative assessments are conducted to monitor progress and identify areas where individual students or the whole class may need additional support. Summative assessments are also used to measure attainment and progress against the National Curriculum expectations.


We strive to ensure that our maths curriculum has a positive impact on all our learners. Through our dedicated implementation, we aim to achieve the following:

  • Increased student confidence and engagement in mathematics.
  • Improved understanding and fluency in key mathematical concepts.
  • Development of problem-solving skills and critical thinking.
  • Preparation for further mathematical study and future careers.

We believe that our maths curriculum provides a strong foundation for all our students to develop a lifelong love of learning and excel in mathematics.